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Text Messages

Text Message

The text message type represents a message sent by the user in a text format. It can contain plain text or various formatting options.


Here's an example of a text message JSON:

  "messages": [
      "message": {
        "id": "{{$guid}}",
        "thread": {
          "id": "t1"
        "conversation": {
          "id": "c1"
        "timestamp": "{{$timestamp}}",
        "sender": {
          "id": "user-2",
          "type": "user"
        "locale": "en-US",
        "content": {
          "texts": [
              "text": "Order some Banana and orange and Strawberry!"

Field Descriptions

  • messages (array): An array containing the user messages.
    • message (object): Represents an individual user message.
      • id (string): Unique identifier for the message.
      • thread (object): Contains information about the message thread.
        • id (string): Unique identifier for the thread.
      • conversation (object): Contains information about the conversation.
        • id (string): Unique identifier for the conversation.
      • message (object): Contains the actual message content.
        • timestamp (string): The timestamp when the message was sent.
        • sender (object): Contains information about the message sender.
          • id (string): Unique identifier for the sender.
          • type (string): Type of the sender, which is "user" in this case.
        • locale (string): The locale of the message.
        • content (object): Contains the content of the message.
          • texts (array): An array of text content.
            • text (string): The actual text content of the message.